
21世纪中国法治瞻望 被引量:8

A Perspective of the 21~ (st) Century Rule of Law in China
摘要 文章回顾了 2 0世纪中国法治经历的艰辛历程和取得的重要进展 ,从宪政、立法、司法、环保、科技、全球化等八个方面指出了 2 1世纪中国法治面临的主要任务 ,展望了未来中国法治发展的基本趋向 ,提出了回应挑战的主要法律对策。作者认为 ,经过不懈努力和执着追求 ,中国将在 2 1世纪实现法治理想。 This article reviews the course of difficulties and the great achievements in the last century, and points out and analyzes the main tasks of rule of law facing in the field such as constitutionalism, legislation, judiciary, environmental protection, science and technology and globalization in China during the 21 centuryst. The article prospects the main trends of the rule of law and works out the solutions for responding the new challenges. The author believes that the ideal of rule of law in China will be realized through unremitting efforts and firmly seeking in new century.
作者 高鸿钧
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期24-29,共6页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
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