商周时将“岁星”称为“岁”,在卜辞和文献中都有明确记载。“鼎”为古“贞”字 ,同样能在卜辞和文献中找到对应的例证。先秦两汉文献中 ,“鼎”训为“当”,“贞”亦可训为“当”或“正”,故“岁鼎 (贞 )”就是“岁星正当其位”,“岁鼎 (贞 )克昏 (闻 )夙又 (有 )商”,是讲正当岁星悬在东北方时 ,武王得到了击败纣王伐灭商国的捷报。
The fact that Sui Xing (the Year Star) in the Shang and Zhou period was simply named Sui, had been definitely found in the relevant records in oracles and documents. The term Ding (鼎) in its antique form was “zhen” (贞) and this might be found also in many corresponding instances. In the literature of the Pre Qin and Han period, the word “Ding” (鼎) should be interpreted as “Dang” (rightly) and “Zhen” as Dang or Zhang (exactly on). Hence “Sui Ding (Zhen) ke hun (wen)su you Shang” (岁鼎(贞)克昏(闻)夙有商 ) is to say that while the Year Star shone just on the north east, arrived the news of triumph over the Shang forces.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)