明暗处理是图形真实感处理的重要内容。物体明暗效果的模拟以光照模型为数学基础,通过不同算法模拟光照射在物体上的反射、透射等效果。文章以Phong局部光照模型为基础,分别用 Gouraud方法和 Phong方法实现了正方体单点光源光照模型,分析对比了两种方法的缺陷。在此基础上提出了P-G方法,成功模拟了多边形内部的高光并使光强度变化层次均匀。
Lightness disposal is an important component of graphics reality disposal. The simulation to object's lightness effect was mathematically based on the illumination model. It simulated the reflection and transmission effect of light shinning on objects with different algorithm. Based on the Phong partial illumination model, this paper realized single light source illumination model of cube, with Gouraud method and Phong method respectively Based on the analyzing and contrasting the shortcomings of two methods, it advanced the P - G method, which successfully simulated the strongest light in polygon and balanced the lightness change.
Computer and Information Technology