目的:检测凝血因子Ⅶ、Ⅶ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ的活性,研究其在急性心脑血管血栓性疾病中的变化。方法:分别采用凝血活酶时间、部分凝血活酶时间、发色底物法及凝血酶时间法测定了急性心肌梗死(AMI)和急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS)病人血浆FⅦ:C、FⅧ:C、凝血酶原及纤维蛋白原相对活性。结果:AMI病人血浆FⅦ:C为98.3 %±36.7%,与青年组的104.0%±29.4%和老年组的114.9%±23.6%比较无明显差异(P值均>0.05),而AIS病人为152.9%±30.3%,较青年组和老年组显著升高(P值均<0.001)。AMI病人血浆FⅧ:C为234.2%±57.9%,明显高出青年组的101.2%±32.6%和老年组的116.4%±35.7%(P值均<0.001)。但AIS病人FⅧ:C±为85.5%±32.6%,低于老年组(P<0.05)。AMI和AIS病人血浆凝血酶原活性分别为130.2%±14.7%和128.0%±29.4%,高于青年组的108.0%±7.7%(P<0.001和0.01)和老年组的106.1%±19.4%(P值均<0.001)。AMI和AIS病人血浆纤维蛋白原活性分别为207.2%±53.0%和174.3%±28.5%,二者均显著高于正常青年组的103.3%±11.6%(P值均<0.001)和老年组的143.8%±16.8%(P<0.001和和0.01)。结论:AMI病FⅧ:C增高,AIS病人FⅦ:C增高;二者血浆凝血酶原和纤维蛋白原活性均高于正常水平。
Objective: To investigate activities of plasma F Ⅶ(F Ⅶ: C), F Ⅷ (F Ⅷ:C), Prothrombin and fibrinogen in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and acute ischemic stroke(AIS). Methods: The clotting activity of F Ⅶ, F Ⅶ, prothrombin and fibrinogen was measured by prothrombin time (PT), activated thromboplastin time(APTT), one-stage amidolytic assay (using the chromogenic sub-stracte chromozym P) and thrombin time(TT) respetively. Results: (1)F Ⅶ:C: There were not significant differenceof F Ⅶ:C between AMI (98.3% ±36.7% ) and younger (104.0% ±29.4%, P>0.05) or elder (114.9 % ± 23.6 % , P > 0.05); AIS (152. 9% ± 30. 3% ) were significant higher plasma level than that of younger (P<0.001) and elder (P<0.001). (2)FVI :C: The level of F Ⅷ:C in AMI(234.2% ± 57.9%) were significantly higher than that of younger group (101.2% ± 32.6% )(P<0. 001) and elder (116.4% ±35.7%, P<0.001); AIS(85.5% ± 32.6%) were lower than elder (( P < 0.05 ). (3)Prothrombin: Both AMI(130.2% ±14.7%) and AIS(128.0% ±29.4%) has higher activities of prothrombin than that of younger(108.0%±7.7%, P < 0.001 and 0.01 respectively) and elder(106.1% ± 19.4%, P<0.001). (4)Fibrinogen: Both AMI(207.2% ±53.0% ) and AIS(174.3% ±28.5% ) fibrinogen level was significantly higher than that of younger(103.3% ± 11.6% , P<0.001)and elder(143.8% ±16.8%, P<0.001 and 0.01). Conclusion: There is higher level of F Ⅶ:C in AIS and F Ⅷ: C in AMI, both AMI and AIS has increased activity of prothrombin and fibrinogen.
Chinese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis