
脊柱爆裂骨折模型的建立及椎管内测压装置的设计 被引量:2

Establishment of spinal burst fracture model and device for measuring intracanal pressure
摘要 目的 建立脊柱爆裂骨折模型及设计记录动态椎管内压力变化的装置 ,为脊柱爆裂型骨折合并脊髓神经损伤的基础研究提供实验方法及装置。方法 对 9个截取脊柱节段 (T9~ 11、T12 ~L2 、L3~ 5各 3个 )准静态撞击模型标本进行撞击实验 ;利用截取脊柱T10 ~L4 节段标本 8具做为测压组进行模型复制及椎管内压力测定。结果 撞击组 :落锤在 1.5m高度撞击的实验 ,即能复制出爆裂型骨折模型且脊柱实验单元完整性好 ,9具标本均达到以上标准 ;测压组 :在爆裂型骨折复制过程中 ,在椎管内记录到两种压力波型曲线及压力峰值 ,分别将以正波压力为主的称为A型压力波及以正负波压力为主的称为B型压力波。A型压力波者 4具标本 ,B型压力波者 2具标本 ,1具标本椎管内压力无改变 ,另外 1具标本由于测试系统故障 ,未能测到椎管内压力。结论 本研究所设计的装置能较好地复制目标椎体爆裂型骨折及记录到椎管内压力的动态变化。 Objective To establish a model of burst fracture in the spine and a device for dynamically measuring the internal pressure as the basic research methods and apparatus to study burst fracture accompanied with spinal nervous deficit. Methods Impact group: all 9 samples of the segment T 9-11 , T 12 -L 2, L 3-5 each having 3 respectively received the hits from 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 m with a weight of 15 kg. Measuring compression group: 8 specimen of the segment T 10 -L 4 were applied to measuring the compression of internal spinal canal according to the results of impact group. All of them were studied with X ray, CT and dissection. Results A standard model of burst fracture with burst fracture and intact spinal segment was established under the weight of 15 kg and height of 1.5 m. There were 2 types of pressure waves in measuring compression group, type A wave majoring positive pressure and type B positive and negative. In measuring compression group, 4 specimens showed type A wave, 2 specimens type B, 1 had no change of the intracanal pressure and that of the rest specimen was not obtained because of measuring system was out of order. Conclusion The device can produce more standard model of spinal burst fracture and record the changed pressure of intracanal dynamically.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第7期803-805,共3页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
关键词 胸腰椎骨折 压力 椎管内测压装置设计 模型 thoracolumbar burst fracture pressure model
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