
鼢鼠洞道结构的建筑工程学分析 被引量:6

Analysis on structure of tunnel of zoker with principle of architectural engineering
摘要 运用建筑工程学原理分析了鼢鼠洞道结构的适应进化机理 .鼢鼠采用压实洞壁的方式既解决了土的搬运问题又改善了洞道的受力性能 ;通过修建侧洞不但解决了中途转身和相互避让时因洞道窄小而遇到的问题 ,同时还避免了因挖掘过大的洞道所造成的较多的体能消耗 .鼢鼠洞道的整体结构充分体现了经济、高效和实用的原则 ,符合最适性理论观点 。 The principle of architectural engineering is used to analyse the structure of tunnel of zoker distributed in Qinling area, helping us better understand the mechanism of adaptive evolution in digging behavior of zokers. One of the strategies adopted by zoker in digging activity is to squeeze and ram the soil dug by it during digging with it′s nasal end to the wall of the tunnel instead of pushing them out to the ground. In this way, the zoker can make the wall of the tunnel very hard, improving its sustaining ability. Another advantage of so doing is to avoid costing extra energy needed to overcome the problem of turning around during their carrying the soil out of the tunnel. The second strategy adopted by zoker in building it′s tunnel is that it builds very narrow tunnel which can only let one zoker pass through. A narrow tunnel may reduce a lot of digging activities and energy cost, on the other hand, but it can produce at least two problems: one is how to turn around, the other is how to let one zoker pass another one if there are more than two zokers in a tunnel system, say, in breeding season. To solve these problems, it builds many side tunnels on both sides of the main tunnel. Zokers′ tunnel construction fully reflects the principle of economy, high efficiency and practicality, being in conformity with optimal theory, and it is the result of adaptive evolution after a long period.
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期86-90,共5页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 教育部骨干教师资助计划项目 (2 0 0 0 6 5 ) 陕西省自然科学基金资助项目 (98H16 )
关键词 鼢鼠 洞道结构 建筑工程学 适应进化机理 压实洞壁 受力能力 侧洞 整体结构 zoker tunnel structure architectural engineering adaptive evolution
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