足球比赛中运球突破技术的合理运用 ,不但能直接获得射门的机会 ,而且在吸引对方防守力量 ,扰乱对方整体布局 ,给同伴造成更为有利的突破和射门机会等方面都有很显著的作用 ,通过对 98世界杯足球赛运球突破技术运用情况的分析与研究 ,得出结论 。
The reasonable utilization of the Dribble Breakthrough Skill is not only shoot at goai with more opportunities directly,but also distueb the opponent's overall scheme with the attraction of defended power of opponent,and benefit from more opportunities for team members to make a breakthrough and shoot at the football match as well.Consequently,it draws a conclusion through analysis and study of the Dribble breakthrough Skill's utilization at the World Football Match 1998.If only it would provide the minor help to make attempts of approaching the World Cup for the Chinese Football Team.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)