1998年长江中下游地区的洪涝灾害已经明白无误地告诉我们 ,西部地区能否将可持续发展战略尽快落到实处 ,不仅关系到西部地区自身的经济与社会的长期繁荣与发展 ,而且事关中、东部地区经济与社会的长期繁荣与发展。因此 ,西部大开发必须将生态环境的治理放在第一位。然而 ,从现实方面来看 ,目前主要有如下几个方面的因素一直都在制约着西部地区的可持续发展战略的实施 :一是较高的人口自然增长率 ;二是自然生态环境脆弱 ;三是环境污染问题日渐突出。新世纪 ,我们只有采取标本兼治、对症下药的办法 ,才能够走出困境 ,真正实现人口、资源、环境、经济与社会的协调发展。
The flood taken place in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtzi River in 1998 showed us clearly that whether or not to implement the sustained development strategy as soon as possible is of vital importance not only to the self economy and the long term prosperity and development in the west part of China, but also to that of the central and east parts of China. So ecologic environment has to be put in the first place in great development of west part of China. Viewing from realities, at present there are several facts which restrict the implement of the sustained development strategy Firstly, the high growth rate of population. Secondly, the fragility of ecologic environment. Thirdly, environmental pollution is getting worse and worse day by day. In the new century, only in this way to tackle exterior and interior and to suit the remedy to the case can we go out of the difficult position and truly realize the coordinate development of the population, resources, environment, economy and society.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College