在过去三年中 ,国家财政实施积极的财政政策为扩大内需 ,启动银行信贷 ,提高GDP的增长发挥了重要的作用 ,这对巩固国民经济持续稳健发展具有重要的战略意义。同时积极的财政政策在执行过程中也暴露出存在的问题 ,因此积极的财政政策必须随着新形势的发展改变其运行方式。本文主要探讨“十五”期间积极的财政政策怎么走 ?可否采用减税的方式来搞活微观经济 ,现行政策如何实施为上策。
In the past three years, the Chinese government has adopted the active fiscal policy that has shown its important role in expanding the domestic demands, initiating the credit of banks and accelerating the growth of GDP. All of these are very meaningful in the process of fostering the stable and healthy develpoment of national economy. However, some problems are emerging with the implenentation of active fiscal policy. Therefore, the active fiscal policy should adapt itself to the new situation. The essay mainly discusses how to implement the active fiscal policy in the Teneh-Five period. It also discusses the possibilities of activating micro economy by cutting taxes and the best policy choice for the present policies.
Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics