企业文化是企业在各自生产经营过程中培育、发展起来的 ,由员工共同的心理品质、精神风貌和与之相应的管理特征所构成的一种微观文化。这样把握企业文化 ,不仅避免了把企业文化等同于企业一切要素之和 ,或知识、观念、精神之和可能导致的认识上的种种混乱 ,而且 ,在实践上将更加有利于加强企业文化建设和管理 。
Enterprise culture is a micro culture, which has been nurtured and developed in the process of production and management of different enterprises and which has been formed with the psychological qualification, the spiritual style and features of the staff and the special relevant management. Grasping the essence of enterprise culture this way, not only can we avoid all sorts of possible cognitive disorder resulting from taking enterprise culture for the sum total of all major enterprise factors,or for the sum total of knowledge,concepts and spirit,but we can also favourably strengthen enterprise culture and management, and improve the enterprise's ability of positive existence and constant development.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University