长期以来 ,人们一直习惯于以西方哲学中的还原论的思维方式来分析、评估中国传统哲学中的形神观。可是 ,形与神的关系原本就是一种整体的关系、一种系统的关系 ,中国传统哲学中的形神观也是一种整体观、一种朴素的系统观 ,因此 ,用还原论的观点是无法作出合理评价的。为此 ,本文试图从现代系统论的角度对中国传统哲学的形神观进行重新评估。
For a long time, the 'body' and the 'mind' category in the traditional Chinese philosophy has been analyzed according to the reducing theory in western philosophy, and as a results, it has not been gotten reasonable evaluated in the academic circle. However, the relation between body and mind is a system one, the traditional theory of body and mind in China is a kind of integrated theory, which is a plain and original form of modern system theory, so this article tries to revalue it from the modern system theory.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences