发生于二十世纪三十年代的英日“天津事件”,极彰显地展示了战时中英日三方关系互动的基本轮廓。从这一事件交涉的结果而言 ,中国为最大的受害者 ,英国为最大的输家 ,日本则为最大的赢家 ;从这一事件交涉的全程而言 ,它表明了战时中英两国之间同盟关系之不稳定性 ,亦典型地体现了英国在远东地区之绥靖主义政策 ,以及英日两个帝国主义国家在中国之激烈争夺。本文正是以这一事件发生发展之过程为轴线 ,试图构建战时中英日三者之间微妙关系的“历史图像”
Tianjin Incident',which happened in the thirties of the twentieth century,obviously showed the main out line of the triangular relations between China,Britain and Japan during WWⅡ.Seen from the result of the bargaining of the accident,China was the victim,Britain was the side who lost most,and Japan,the side who won most; Seen from the whole process of the conciliation,it showed the instability of the allying relations between China and Britain during war and also typically showed the pacification policy Britain was practicing in Far East area as well as the intense competition in China between this two imperialistic country.Regarding the process of this accident as an axis,the essay tries to construct a'historical image'of subtle relations between the three countries during WWⅡ.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)