清末民初 ,广大留日学生在“教育救国”理念的感召下 ,视义务教育为救国图强、富国强民的根本途径 ,积极地从事义务教育的宣传、推进工作 ,在义务教育的思想传播、政策制订及师资培养等方面为中国近代义务教育的发展做出了巨大的贡献 。
In late Qing Dynasty and early Minguo,inspired by the ideal of 'Saving the Country Through Education',many Chinese students in Japan regarded compulsory education as the basic means of saving and enriching the country.Therefore,they were actively engaged in popularizing and spreading the compulsory education,which attributed to the rapid development of China's eductional modernization.The present paper is intended to discuss the brilliant contributions Chinese students in Japan made to the development of China's modern compulsory education from the aspects of propagating ideology,making policy and training teachers.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)