《老子》一书之所以在政治思想史上产生长久的影响 ,其中一个重要原因 ,是书中通过简明的哲理阐述 ,给人以政治哲学辩证法———政治智慧的启迪。这种高明的政治智慧主要是 :无为而无不为 ,柔弱胜刚强 ,谦恭可居上位 ,治国大事必须格外小心谨慎 ,切记不要锋芒毕露 ,等。这些思想虽然有其消极的一面 ,但是 ,就其思想的深刻性、对问题分析的尖锐性而言 ,是有宝贵价值的。
Lao Zi,a classic of philosophy of ancient China, has been exercising a prolonged influence on the history of Chinese political ideology. An important reason is that the dialectics of political philosophy it elaborates through succint statement conveys a profound political wisdom. These brilliant wisdoms are: governing by doing nothing that goes against nature, softness triumphs staunchness, modest is superior over everything else, administering state affairs must be careful and prudent, never make a showy display of your ability, etc.. These ideas are of some nagative factors, but their intelligent profoundness and incisive analysis of problems are illuminating and benificial to people of political experience.
Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)