高校人事制度改革是学校各项内部管理体制改革的龙头和基础 ,事关教学、科研主体改革的成败 ,事关高校的生存和发展。本文就高校推进人事制度改革 ,建立约束机制、竞争机制、激励机制 ,吸引和稳定优秀人才等几个方面进行初步探讨。
The reform of personnel system is the most important thing and the basis among the structural reform of internal administration in colleges and universities, which concerns with success or failure of teaching and scientific research as well as the existence and development of the school. This paper preliminarily discusses several aspects of reform of personnel system, such as the establishment of binding, competitive, encouraging mechanisms, attraction and stabilization of excellent people as well.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences