
国际私立高等教育发展的误读与现实 被引量:3

Misunderstandings and Realities of the Development of International Private Higher Education
摘要 战后国际范围内围绕私立高等教育的发展出现了很多误读 :私立高等教育在教育质量上高于公立高等教育 ,且有着巨大的社会需求 ;私立高等学校毕业生在劳动就业市场中具有较强的适应能力 ,有较高的市场接纳度 ;私立高等学校在很大程度上减轻了政府的经济负担 ;私立高等学校为个人发展与社会进步提供了适切的高等教育类型 ;私立高等学校大多基于慈善动机而设立 ;私立高等学校提供的是一种精英式 (高收费 ,高质量 )的高等教育 ;私立高等教育机构是非政治性的 ,免受党派利益与意识形态的影响。这些误读进一步导致了对私立高等教育发展真相的不正确认识。对比之下 。 There appeared many misunderstandings in the development of international private higher education during the Postwar period:private higher education is superior to public higher education in education quality and has a larger social demand; the graduates from private colleges are very adapatable and popular in the employment market ;private colleges lessen to a large extent the economic burden of the government ; private colleges provide a proper higher education style for personal development and social progress; private colleges are established mostly on charity ; private colleges offer an elite_fashioned (high charge, high quality)higher education; private higher educational establishments are non_political and free from the influences of party profits and ideology. These misunderstandigngs increasingly lead to the incorrect idea about the development of private higher education. By comparison, mild privatization should be a selection of private higher education.
出处 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2001年第3期43-48,共6页 Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 私立高等教育 办学模式 发展 世界 international private higher education the model for running a school
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