介绍我国 3种原料路线生产聚乙烯醇及其纤维工业的发展现状和国际上聚乙烯醇及其纤维工业的开发应用与发展前景 ,同时对比了我国聚乙烯醇及其纤维工业在科研、工艺、品种、应用和综合能耗方面与世界先进水平存在的差距 。
Three process routes for PVA in China were introduced.The current situation and prospects of domestic and overseas PVA and PVA fiber industry were describcd.Compared to the world advanced level,the difference in scientific research,variery,application and general energy consumption was discussed.Moreower,the measures to be to develop domestic PVA and PVA fiber industry were suggested.
The Light & Textile Industries of Fujian