21世纪是知识经济的时代 ,知识经济将使中国高校的德育工作背景发生深刻变化。基于知识经济下增强民族凝聚力和大学生个体道德发展的要求 ,我们必须改进高校德育工作 ,实现教育理念及对大学生从教会“顺从”到教会“选择”的转变 ,实现全面提高德育工作者素质 ,实现德育工作手段的现代化 ,实现德育工作的不断创新。
The 21st century is an era of knowledge economy which will make great changes in college moral education of China.Moral education of China has to be improved so as to change students from 'being docile'to being able to make their own choices,improve overall quality of moral education,improvemoral teaching methodology and make constant innovations on moral education.
Tangdu Journal