当前 ,我国农业已经进入到一个转型的关键时期 ,农业生产已经从单一的数量增长转变为质量、数量并举 ,以提高农业整体素质与效益为目标的新阶段。基于我国即将加入WTO以及人们对无公害农产品消费需求的增长 ,发展无公害农产品生产 ,打破农业国际贸易的绿色壁垒 ,保障生态和食品安全 。
Nowadays, the agriculture of China has entered into a transitional period of time. The agricultural production has changed from the increase of quantity to both the increase of quantity and development of quality, and it is in a new stage of developing the quality and profits of agriculture as the goal of agriculture. As China soon enters WTO and the demand of harmless agricultural products is increasing, it is one of the important strategic aims of the sustainable development of agriculture of China to develop harmless agricultural products, guarantee the ecological environment and food security.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)