“三个代表”的重要思想是总结 15 0多年国际共产主义运动和我党 80年历史经验得出的科学结论 ,是对马克思主义政党建设基本规律的科学概括 ,它为新世纪加强领导班子思想建设 ,提高领导水平和执政水平 ,不断增强拒腐防变和抵御风险的能力 。
The Three Representatives' is the scientific summery of theexperience of more than 150 years international communist movements and of 80 years history of the CPC. It provides the guideline for the leaders in their strengthening their ideological construction, improving their level of leadership and administration, and strengthening their power to resist corruption.
Journal of Yuzhou University(Social Sciences Edition)