《十四行集》作为冯至诗歌的扛鼎之作 ,体现了其诗歌艺术的精魂 ,具有多方面的认知价值和实践意义。本文试从冯至对时代功利性的超越、对现代主义诗歌艺术的批判继承、对中西艺术传统的融合创新三个方面探讨《十四行集》
As the greatest famous works of Feng Zhi's poetry, the Collection of Sonnets embodied the spirits of his arts of poetry and included multi-aspect cognitive value and significance of practice. The author of this paper tries to explore the excellences of the Collection of Sonnets in these three aspects: How Feng Zhi exceeded the times' utilitarianism, how he criticized and inherited the modernism arts of poetry and how he mixed and brought forth new ideas on the traditions of China and the Oriental arts.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University