培养学生的创新意识和创新能力的关键是在课堂上建立一个平等、民主、和谐的师生关系 ,营造安全、自由、宽松的课堂气氛是培养学生创新意识的前提条件 ;教师挖掘教材中的创新因素去创设情境、激发学习兴趣是创新意识的开端 ;激励学生求异思维 ,大胆猜想 。
The key of fostering the students' creative consciousness and abilities is to form a special classroom. That is, to create an equal, democratic and harmonious relationship between students and teachers, build up a safe and free classroom atmosphere. Teachers must try to find the creative factors in the textbooks, then create the suitable situation for the students, at last arouse the interest of learning. Encourage the students to think creatively, and unit theory with practice. These can greatly improve the students' creative abilities.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University