《洛丽塔》的诞生具有双重狂欢的性质 :充溢在整个写作过程的审美快感令作者激情涌荡 ;充满魅力的叙事技巧使读者迷乱其中。作者以朴素的线性发展 ,“三套车”式的叙事结构 ,巧妙地摆脱了作品内在形式和外在道德的束缚 ,为自己开拓了一个自由的叙述空间 ,从而在其中恣意地挥舞着语言的魔杖 ,让“写”与“读”都达到了艺术的最高境界——忘我的审美狂欢。
Lolita was born with double excited rejoicing-the pleasant aesthetic sensation which filled the whole writing process made the author's passion surge like tidal water, while the charming narrative skills put the reader into infatuation. Through the simple linearized narration and the troika narrative beddings, the author cleverly freed himself form the shackles of both the internal form of the work and the external morality, and opened a free narrative space for himself, in which he used the magic wand of language so arbitrarily as to have sent both the author and the reader to the highest realm of art-selfless excited aesthetic rejoicing.
Journal of Zhengzhou University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition