群众公认是选任干部的一条重要原则。坚持此原则选任干部是党的群众路线在干部工作中的具体运用 ,是党的性质和宗旨所决定 ,是社会主义市场经济条件下的必然要求 ,是防止和纠正用人不正之风的可靠保证。实践中要注意处理好四种关系 :即群众公认与党管干部、依靠群众与引导群众、尊重民意与实事求是、群众意愿与领导意见 ;还要做到四个完善 :即进一步完善民主推荐、民意测验、组织考察。
General acknowledgement is an important principle in the process of selecting and appointing cadres. Strict adherence to the principle is practical application of the mass line of the Party to selecting and appointing cadres; It is determined by the nature and aim of the Party; It is required by the market-oriented economy; It guarantees that improper atmosphere in appointing cadres is prevented and corrected. In practice, importance should be attached to four relations, that is, the relations between general acknowledgement and Party supervision; depending on the mass and guiding the mass; taking public opinion seriously and seeking truth from facts; wishes of the mass and opinions of the leaders. Furthermore, there should be four improvements on democratic recommendation, public opinion poll, inspection by the Party and vote by Party committees.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)