经济体制改革大大滞后于全国的平均水平 ,是延安经济体制改革存在的主要问题。从延安市情出发 ,重构经济体制改革的目标模式 ,选择“较为激进”、“整体设计、综合配套”以及“市场先行、企业跟上、政府到位”等改革路径 ,加快所有制结构调整、市场体系培育、政府体制改革等进程 。
It is the main existed problem that the economic system reforms in Yanan city has been developed more slowly than that of our state. In accordance with Yanan local situation, it is the most way to deep development economic system reform in Yanan-rework out the economic system reform object model,chose the very beneficial reform way to speed up the system of ownership adjustment,to strengthen market system construction and government system reform.
Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)