针对采用FCT +FST的自动无功补偿装置的晶闸管的保护及续流问题 ,提出一种受保护及续流晶闸管控制的R—C旁路电路 ,将其与电抗器并联而不是与晶闸管并联以保护及续流 ,给出了R、C参数的计算方法。具有保护及续流灵敏完全、电抗器电流基本连续的优点 ,并可减少对交流电源侧的谐波污染。
A new method of protection and current succession is presented for FCT+FST automation compensation devices, in which a R-C bypass channel circuit controlled by protection and current succession thyristor is in parallel with the reactance instead of the main thyristor. The calculating method of R,C parameter is given in details. There are many advantages in this circuit, such as sensitive and full protection and current succession and continuas current of reactance and little harmonics to AC current.
Journal of Shandong Institute of Architecture and Engineering