以圆弧齿轮传动及其测量尺寸公法线长度的计算原理和公式为依据 ,以6 7型单圆弧齿轮为例 ,提出利用牛顿迭代法计算圆弧齿轮公法线的原理、求解方程流程图、迭代方程及编程 ,比手工计算大大降低了工作量 。
The paper provide a way used Newton method and put forward the calculating principle of the common normal line, the flow chart,the alternating equation and programming. This method was based on the calculating principle and formula of the arc gear′s driving and measuring common normal line′s distance and made model 67 arc gear as an example. It decreased labor power firmly and the precision was also increased.
Journal of Lanzhou Higher Polytechnical College