用剖面X光电子能谱分析研究了边界润滑膜的元素组成、化学状态以及对应的含量。结果表明 ,边界润滑膜由吸附层和边界润滑层组成 ;表面膜所含元素的化学状态与其位置有关 ,特别是元素S ,N和B在表层和边界润滑层中存在的化学状态有很大的差异。由表及里 ,有机产物逐渐减少 ,Fe的S ,N和B的无机化合物逐渐增大。
The elemental composition, chemical states and the structure of the boundary lubrication film were studied by depth profile X ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The results showed that the boundary lubrication film on the worn surface was composed of the absorbed layer and reacted layer. Chemical states of elements in the lubrication film were dependent to its depth in the film. From outside to inside of the film, the concentration of organic compound was decreased and the concentration of inorganic compound was in creased.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)
国家 973资助项目 (G19990 65 0 )
装甲兵工程学院博士资助项目 ( 2 0 0 0JC0 1)