通过分析国内外陶瓷球检测状况 ,结合国内研制和生产工艺 ,确定了能表征陶瓷球质量特征的检验项目 ,即化学分析、密度、断裂韧性、表面缺陷、硬度、压碎强度、孔隙度、显微组织等。提出了陶瓷毛坯球的材质性能、制造质量和显微组织等检验方法。对陶瓷球的研制和生产起到质量控制作用 ,为陶瓷球的质量检验标准的制定提供了依据。
Considering development of production techniques in our country, we analyzed the present status of ceramic ball quality inspection and established a set of inspection items which can token ceramics ball quality, including chemical analysis, density, toughness, appearance and surface defects, hardness, smash strength, degree of hole and microstructure inspections. This method has been proved to be of great significance for quality control/assurance of Si 3N 4 ball bearing production.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)