细胞色素 P4 50和细胞色素 b5在 KQR和 HDS种群棉铃虫的不同生长发育阶段含量不同 ,但变化规律大致相似 ,均是在 3龄期含量较低 ,从 3龄到 6龄含量上升并达到最高值 ,然后含量逐渐下降 ,直到蛹期达最低值。单加氧酶 MROD和 ECOD在 KQR种群棉铃虫不同生长发育阶段活性大小不同 ,而且变化规律明显不同。从 3龄到 6龄期间 ,MROD活性呈上升趋势 ,并在 6龄期达到最大 ,之后活性逐渐下降 ,在蛹和成虫阶段活性达最小 ;而 ECOD活性在不同生长发育阶段间的差异则不是很大 。
During several stages of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner,the contents of cytochrome P450 and cytochrome b 5 were different between KQR and HDS strains, while the developmental patterns were similar. In the 3rd instar larvae, both contents in the two strains were rather low, but they increased gradually from the 3rd instar and eventually reached a maximum in the 6th instar larvae, the contents then decreased and reached the lowest in the pupae. Monooxygenase activities of MROD and ECOD in KQR strain were different during different growing stages and showed remarkably different changing patterns. From the 3rd instar to the 6th instar larvae, MROD activity enhanced and reached the highest in the 6th instar larvae, then decreased and got to the lowest in pupae and moth, while ECOD activity did not change much and showed no specific expression during those stages.
Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science