198 8~ 1999年测定了四川省不同地区麦长管蚜 (Macrosiphum avenae F.)对化学农药的抗性水平 ,结果表明 ,麦长管蚜对乐果、氧乐果的抗性已达中抗至极高抗水平 ,对氰戊菊酯、溴氰菊酯也产生了较高水平的抗性 ,对吡虫啉、抗蚜威较为敏感。比较了 12种农药对麦长管蚜的毒力 ,并对该害虫的抗性治理策略进行了讨论。
Insecticide resistance of Macrosiphum avenae was monitored in Sichuan province among 1988~1999. The results showed that high level of resistance to dimethoate and omethoate was developed in M. avenae in Sichuan. The resistance ratios to dimethoate were 692.7 fold and 872.7 fold in Chengdu population in 1989 and Renshou population in 1990,respectively, and to omethoate were 390.9 fold and 388.7 fold in Renshou population in 1994 and Pujiang population in 1999, respectively. Resistance to fenvalerate and deltamethrin also reached a relative high level in the pest in Sichuan province. So far, M. avenae is very susceptible to imidacroprid and pirimicarb. According to our monitoring results, we also discussed strategy to manage insecticide resistance in the pest in our province.
Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science
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