通过单对杂交结合热探针法 ,研究比较了新疆与华北棉区田间种群棉铃虫对氯氟氰菊酯 kdr型抗性个体频率、抗性基因型频率和抗性基因频率的差异。结果表明 :新疆种群、河北冀州种群和河南西华种群的 kdr型抗性个体频率分别为 1.0 0 %、2 8.4 3%、2 4 .4 3% ;新疆XF1种群、冀州 JF1、JF2 种群的 kdr型抗性基因频率分别为 0、2 0 .83%、11.11%。分别从群体与个体水平上说明了新疆棉铃虫对菊酯类农药尚处于敏感阶段 ,而华北种群 kdr型抗性已达较高水平 ,并且抗性个体主要以杂合子形式存在。
The frequencies of alleles for kdr type resistance to cyhalothrin in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera collected from Xinjiang and North China were evaluated by single pair mating and hot probe method. It was found that there was no individual of kdr type resistance, including heterozygote of resistant gene, in the population of Xinjiang.The frequencies of alleles for kdr type resistance to cyhalothrin were estimated as 20.83% and 11.11% in JF 1 and JF 2 population, respectively. The results indicated that Xinjiang population was still suscepitible, however, kdr type resistance had developed at high level in Jizhou population. The results also showed that most of resistant individuals were heterozygotes, but a few were homozygous resistant in JF 1 population.
Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science
国家"九五"科技攻关!(96 - 0 0 5- 0 1- 0 8)