实测的桩顶水平位移差别很大 ,据此对规范将支撑刚度简化为常数提出质疑 .明确提出支撑点与跨中点围护桩支撑刚度的不同公式 ,用以冠梁不同部位桩的分析 ,包括桩顶最大与最小位移 .同时指出最大、最小水平位移关系到预估地表沉降和确定桩身配筋 .
Based on the fact that the horizontal displacement at the top of enclosure piles is quite different in engineering measurement, it is questioned that the bracing system stiffness is simplified as constant in the Technical Code. The stiffness formula for fulcrum bearing is put forward as well as that for the middle part between fulcrums of the top beam. The formula can be used to analyze the maximum and minimum displacement at the top of piles in different part of top beam, which is important in estimating the ground settlement and determining the reinforcement for piles.
Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)