为评价隧道施工和排出水对地表水体水质的影响 ,对两条河流的水质进行了监测。现以饮用水水质部分因子为标准 ,将地表水水质划分为 3个级别 ,并采用模糊综合评判法和灰色模型法对 3个监测断面的地表水水质进行了综合评价 ,结果表明 ,两条河流水质良好 ,基本未受隧道施工及排出水影响。
The groundwater from Qinling tunnel on Xi'an Ankang railway is drained into two rivers the south into Taiyu river, and the north into Shibianyu river. In order to evaluate the influence of chemical abnormal quality the drained groundwater, the water quality of the two rivers is observed and tested in three sections respectively for three times between 1998 and 1999. Some evaluation factors of the criteria for drinkable water are adopted to divide the surface water into three levels in quality. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and gray system method are used to comprehensively evaluate the quality of surface water in the three sections. The results show that the water quality in the two rivers are not influenced by the tunnel construction and by the water drained from the tunnel.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
铁道部科技司科技研究开发项目资助 (项目编号 :95G48 H 1)