全面介绍了钼酸钆晶体的结构及相变情况 ;对其常温喇曼光谱进行了测试和详细分析 ,对各谱峰进行了识别和指认 ,指出实验中仅能观察到两条 Mo O42 -离子的对称伸缩振动谱线是因两种 Mo- O键长相近的 Mo O42 -离子振动模的简并造成的 ,反对称伸缩振动模式大的光谱分裂范围是因晶胞中 Mo O42 -
Structure and phase transition of Gd 2(MoO 4) 3 crystal are reported. Raman spectra of the crystal is observed and analysed at room tempertrue. Identification and assignment of its vibrational modes are completed. That only two Raman lines of the symmetric streching mode were observed is due to an accidental degeneracy between 2 sets of MoO 4 2- ions whose Mo-O distances are closed. The large splitting observed for the asymmetric streching mode is probably due to the large number of MoO 4 2- ions and strong interlayer coupling present in the unit cell.
Journal of Shanghai University:Natural Science Edition
国家自然科学基金 (5 983 2 0 80
5 98740 16)资助项目