先进生产力本质上是当代人的创造力,先进文化是代表当代人创造力发挥、发展要求的文化,当代人创造力的普遁发挥、发展,就是最广大人民的根本利益所在。“三个代表” 的科学内核和社会主义制度创新的实质,就是代表和实现人的创造力充分发挥、发展的要求。
The advanced productivity is in fact the creativity of the contemporary people. The advanced culture is the one which represents the contemporary people's creativity and development. The development of the people's creativity is the cardinal benefit of all the people. The scientific core and the substance of creative rules of 'The Three Representative' is the representative of realizing human's creativity.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University