1See Jason, Oxman Counsel for Advanced Communications, The FCC. and the Unregulation of the Internet(working paper July 1999) availabie at (http://www.fcc.gov/opp/workingp/html)
2Washingtou Post, March 12,1999, p. E03.
3Bill Gates U S.v.Microsoft:We're Defending Our Righ:to Innovate,The Wall Street Journal(May 20.1998):Stanley J.Liebowitz and Stephen E,Margolis.LOSERS & MICROSOFT:COMPETITION AND ANTITRUST IN HIGH TECHNOLOGY(1999)
4See.e g.Commission of the European Communities Green Paper on the Convergence of the Telecommuniction Media and Information Technology Secons and the Implication for Regulation Toward an Information Society Approach COM(97)Section HA (December 1997)
5See.e g.H Perritt Jr.Cyberspace Seif-Gover nment:Twon Hall Semocracy or Rediscovered Royalism?12 Berkeley Tech L J.413(1997)
6David R.Jounson & David Post Law and Borders-The Rise of Law in Cyberspace 48.Scan L.Rev.1367(1996)
7Neil Weinstock Netanel.Cyberspace Self-Govemance:A Skeptical View from Liberal Democatic Theory.88 Calir L.Rev.395(2000)
8Cryptogtaphy Policy: The Guidelincs and The Issues. The OECD Cryptogcaphy Policy Guidelines and the Report on Background and Issues of Cryptography Polio. March 1997.
10Avaliabie at (http://www.iicf.nist.gov/eleccomm/ecomm.htm)