多年来 ,党中央不断加大反腐败力度 ,反腐败斗争取得明显成效。但是有些腐败现象蔓延势头还没有得到有效遏制 ,从主观上分析 ,最根本的原因是不讲学习、不讲政治、不讲正气所造成。所以 ,要贯彻好“三讲”教育的精神 ,要坚持讲学习 ,廉洁自律作表率 ;要坚持讲政治 ,长期不懈抓党建 ;要坚持讲正气 ,坚韧不拔做斗争 ,把党内廉政建设和反腐败斗争不断引向深入。
Corruption can not only hinder the development of social productivity,affect the prosperity of advanced culture,but encroach upon the people's interests.The central committee of our Party has made every attempt to fight against corruption and achieved a lot,yet failed to keep it under great control,and many cases that violate the law and discipline come about repeatedly.Despite various causes,if analyzed from objective angle,the root cause is that some cadres failed to study,to study politics and stick to righteousness.The author discusses in this paper about six respects of the root cause and puts forward his own comment on them.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi