全球化浪潮横扫世界每个角落 ,为后发国家提供了发展的契机 ,同时也带来了问题与挑战 ,反思全球化的本质、特征及其所带来的机遇与挑战 ,具有重要的现实意义。如果从历史哲学的视角 ,以阶段分析为座标 ,对现阶段的全球化问题进行梳理 。
The wave of globalization has provided China on the turningpoint with endless opportunity of development and unfolds in front of us a beautiful picture of the bright future of the world.However the wave also presents us with a confusing and contradictory picture of the reality.This paper probes into the false superficial cover and tries to find out the truth under so as to give a reasonable explanation from the angle of history.
Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science)
江苏省"九五"社科基金项目 (九五 0 3 0 0 3)