笔者对李阳冰《序》、范传正《碑》作了新的解说。认为范《碑》的“隋末”暗示武后建周。李《序》用“复指李树而生伯阳”之典 ,暗示李白先祖有一次“指李树”———即得李姓 ,后因罪 ,恢复原姓。神龙之初 ,又复李姓。并考得李白先祖的李姓是赐姓而来。认为李白为李责力的裔孙 ,由于受李敬业倒武之祸 ,成了“绝嗣之家”。李阳冰、范传正在述说李白先祖之时 ,不得不用曲笔。杜甫、元稹、《旧唐书》称李白为山东人 ,就有根据了。
The author comments on LI Yang bing's PREFACE and FAN Chuan zheng's AN INSCRIPTION and gets an new idea. WU Ze tian founded the Chou Dynasty which was likened to the last stage of the Sui Dynasty in Fan's AN INSCRIPTION. LI Yang bin hinted it in his PREFACE that LI Bai's forefather once pointed to plum trees and got the family name . Because of a crime,his original family name was rehabilitated.At the beginning of Shenlong,his family name was LI. According to that,the author points out that LI Bai was LI Ji's descendant. LI Ji had no descendants because LI Jing ye wanted to throw off WU Ze tian .LI Yang bin and FAN Chuan zheng had to hint it when they said somothing about LI Bai's forefathers. In the light of that ,DU Fu and YUAN Zhen thought LiBai came from ShanDong.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)