七八十年代崛起于日本影坛的艺术电影既叫好又叫座 ,它们被誉为“日本新电影”。本文将其分为五类 :严肃爱情片、青春心理片、讽刺喜剧片、社会问题片和感伤怀旧片 ,系统探讨它们在认识评价、内部形象、外部结构等诸多层面上的表述策略 ,挖掘其巧妙表达自我及扣合大众主流文化的内在精神实质 ,以求为国产电影创作提供借鉴。
The artistic movies springing up in the 70s and 80s in Japan are regarded as'Japanese New Movies', which are welcome by the viewers for their excellent quality.The movies are classified into five kinds : Serious Love Story Movies , Youth Psychological Movies , Ironic Comic Movies , Social Problem Movies , Sentimental and Nostalgic Movies.The paper systematically discusses about the expressive strategies from various folds such as cognition evaluation ,internal image ,external structure , and excavates the inner spiritual essence of ingeniously expressing self and conforming to the popular mainstream culture .
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)