
富裕阶层:在中国的形成原因及社会意义 被引量:8

On the Formation of the Rich Stratum and Its Social Significance
摘要 富裕阶层的存在 ,是实现共同富裕过程中的伴生现象 ,是实现共同富裕的途径。它形成的原因 ,主要是党的政策、知识因素、市场经济规律的作用、收入分配政策的多样性以及经济体制在转轨过程中法制不健全造成的。富裕阶层的存在具有重要的社会意义 ,对落后地区经济的发展 ,一方面起着榜样、帮助支持和舆论导向作用 ,另一方面也有消极作用。我们应当通过依法保护合法收入 ,取缔非法收入 ,调节过高收入等措施发挥其积极作用 ,限制它的消极作用 ,避免贫富悬殊、两极分化的现象。只有如此 ,才能加速经济的发展 ,实现共同富裕的目标。 Over the recent years, a group of people have first become rich and thus form a rich stratum. I think it is an accompaning phenomenon during the process of becoming wealthy and it is a method of becoming wealthy,without forming the exploiting class.This kind of phenomenon is caused by the policy of enriching the country and benefiting the people ,the element of knowledge,the effect of the law of market economy,the varities of policy of income and distribution and the fragmentary of our law .It has the important social significance.The rise of the rich stratum on the one hand has a positive influence on the economic development of the society ,on the other hand,it also brings about a negative influence.We need protect their legal incomes and take measures to ban their illegal incomes,and to moderate their overhigh incomes .Only if we do so ,we can impel the development of the economy and realize the goal of becoming wealthy.
作者 郭金玲
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第4期38-40,共3页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 富裕阶层 社会作用 共同富裕 中国 成因 rich stratum cause social significance becoming wealthy
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