目前在传媒界有一种流行的说法 ,把报社所办网站称为“报纸网络版”,从词面上看 ,它是以报纸为主体 ,属于报纸范畴 ;从这种提法的背景看 ,它缘于报社办网站初期 ,传媒界相当一部分人对报纸和报纸网络版关系的模糊认识 ,即把报纸和“报纸网络版”混为一谈。报纸和“报纸网络版”在属性、特性、功能、表达方式、发行方式、传递方式、读者对象、版面设置、受地域限制程度、管理机构等方面都有明显的不同 ,两者属于不同范畴 ;这种称谓也反映出传媒界对报社所办网站定位认识上的模糊性。将报社所办网站称为“报纸网络版”是不科学的 ,称为“报纸网站”比较合适。
A popular viewpoint in mass media community regards websites managed by newspaper publishing house as “Newspaper Cyber Page”. From its literal meaning, The new form still hold “paper” as the main body, belonging to the concept of “newspaper”; From the viewpoint's background, the term appeared in the premiere period when the newspaper publishing house began to march into the Web and quite a lot couldn't distinguish the differences between the two forms clearly, that is, they always mix the two media forms in one. But the quality, features, functions, expressing ways, publication, transmition, readers, paper management, the regional limitation degree and administration organization between the two are distinguishable, so the term “Paper Web Site ” is better than “Paper Cyber Page”.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)