家族组织是长久以来中国进行社会控制的一个重要部分 ,是理解中国农村社会必不可少的透视角。通过分析家族组织在建国后四次社会变革 (土改、社会主义改造、人民公社化运动、农村改革 )中所受到的冲击及其原因 ,揭示了家族组织的政治、经济等功能在这些变革中所发生的变化 ,以及这些变化对于家族权威消长的影响。在此基础上 ,我们应注意研究当今家族势力再次抬头的原因及其条件 ,并对抑制家族组织的不良作用采取正确的对策。
Family organization has been all important part in controlling China's society and is also an essential prospective angle to learn rural society of China.This paper,through analysing affacks and causes which family organization met with,reveals political and economic changes of family organization during the period of four social reforms (land reform,socialist transform,people's commune movement,rural reform)after the foundiing of P R China,and such changes' influence to decrease and increase family organization's authority.On the basis,we should pay attention to the research on causes and conditions of family organization revival.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi