经济全球化是一种不可避免的趋势。在这一过程中 ,各个国家、地区间的文化交流也会越来越密切。价值观念作为文化的核心内容 ,在文化的交流与互动过程中必将产生冲撞、融合继而走向价值趋同 ,这是由人类为满足自身需要的内在本质规定性所决定的。文章认为 ,因其价值多元主体的存在 ,经济全球化决不意味着各种文化间的差异会逐渐消除 ,甚至会形成一种全球文化 ,不仅文化的多样性长期存在 ,作为价值观念基础的价值体系亦会有明显不同 ,并且价值观念仍将继续呈多元化发展。
The overwhelming economic globalization brings about frequent cultural exchanges between different nations. As the core of a culture, various ethno-values will conflict with each other and benefit from each other, they may tend to gain some universalities in the frequent exchange and conflict. However, the multi-cultural development will be continuing for long time, and each nation shall maintain their own ethno-cultural peculiarity and identity under the circumstances of the economic globalization. The author defends that the multi-cultural development will stay in harmony with the economic globalization in future because the economic globalization does not mean the cultural monopoly.
Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Science)