从日本引进的山女鳟发眼卵育成亲鱼后 ,以挤腹法采卵、取精 ,干导法人工受精 ,经 30— 60分钟止水膨胀后入桶式孵化器进行流水孵化 ,发眼率 2 5 2 %。孵化稚鱼畸形率 5 1% ,患脐囊白点症的占7 3% ,稚鱼体质软弱。受精后 1— 3分钟内采用免膨法将卵将卵直接入桶孵化 ,发眼率 59 4 % ,孵化稚鱼98%以上发育正常 ,畸形率 3 6%。水质澄清孵化水温 12℃试验组发眼率 95 1% ,孵化率 94 0 % 。
When eggs of Oncorhynchus masou masou being in the period of eyes forming,innoduced them from Japan,and breed them to be in the sexual autumn.Gathering eggs and sperms by pressing the abdomen of parent fish,artificial fertilization with the method of injecting the spermatic fluid directly into the eggs.After 30-60mins,they would stop absorbing the water and inflated,then put fertilized eggs into the incubator which in the stream.The survival (in the period of eyes forming)rate is 25 2% (eggs);deformity rate of fry is 5 1%; Disease rate is 7 3% (with white points on the umbilical capsule);and the fries developed normally.But after artificial fertilization in 3mins before absorbing,put eggs into the bartel incubator directly,the survival rare is 59 4%;fries show no sign of abnormality and the deformity rate is 3 6%.The experimental group which water temperature is 12 ℃,the survival rate is 95 1%,the incubation rate is 94 0%,and the fries are in good situation.
Chinese Journal of Fisheries
Oncorhynchus mason masou
artiticial insemination