对2种有毒亚历山大藻-引自台湾的微小亚历山大藻AMTK-1(Alexandrium minutum AMTK-1)和引自美国阿拉斯加的亚历山大藻KW06(Alexandrium sp.KW06)-在不同生长阶段的产毒状况、毒素组成和毒性大小进行了研究,比较了两者的异同。结果显示,2种藻的单位细胞毒素含量与培养阶段的变化趋势是一致的,即在对数生长初期达最高,之后逐渐下降;微小亚历山大藻AMTK-I主要生产GTXs毒素,从对数生长后期到静止期其毒素组成比有所变化,GTX1,TGX4比例增高而TX2,GTX3降低,亚历山大藻KW06主要生产STX毒素;亚历山大藻KW06的毒性高于微小亚历山大藻AMTK-1。
Experiments on production of PSP in batch culture of Alexandrium minutum isolated from Taiwan coastal waters (strain AMTK Ⅰ) and Alexandrium sp. isolated from Alaska coastal waters (strain KW06) were carried out. The results showed that in both cases toxin content per cell reached the peak value at the beginning of growth log phase and decreased later. The percentage of each toxin also changed during the whole growth period. Toxin in Alexandrium minutum AMTK Ⅰ includes GTX4, GTX1, GTX3 and GTX2. Only STX and trace neoSTX were found in HPLC analysis of Alexandrium sp. KW06. Toxicity in KW06 is higher than that in AMTK Ⅰ.
Journal of Oceanography of Huanghai & Bohai Seas
国家自然科学重大基金资助项目 (3 9790 1 1 0 )