
中国纹吉丁属四个新种及四个新记录种(鞘翅目:吉丁虫科) 被引量:2

摘要 本文记述了吉丁虫科纹吉丁属四个新种,它们分别是暗蓝纹吉丁Coraebus simplex sp.nov.冕宁纹吉丁Coraebus mianningensis sp.nov暗绒纹吉丁Coraebus obscurus sp.nov.和砚山纹吉丁Coraebus yanshanensis sp.nov.另记录了纹吉丁属四个中国新记录种,分别是黑尾纹吉丁Coraebus denticollis Saunders短褐纹吉丁Coraebus salvazai Bourg.绿翅纹吉丁Coraebus grafi Obenberger及突顶纹吉丁Coraebus violaceipenis Saunders. Four new species of the genus Coraebus are described and four new records of the same genus from China are reported in this paper. All the type specimens are desposited in the Department of Plant Protection, Southwestern Agricultural University, Chongqing, China. Coraebus simplex sp. nov. (fig. 1 ) Body elongate, robust, entirely dark blue with somewhat green ring. Head very short, sparsely and coarsely scattered with irregular punctures, frons deeply and longicudinally depressed at middle. Pronotum tranverse, disk very strongly convex at middle of anterior margin, prehumeral carina present, but very short, Elytra elongate, about 2.6 times as long as wide at base, apex separately rounded, surface with dense, irregular punctures, but without conspicuous ornament of pubescent hairs. Lenth: 10mm. Width: 3.5mm. Holotype: ♀, Helongtan, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 1986-Ⅵ-10by Peng Zhong-liang.Most species of this genus possess bands or spots of pubescent hairs, this species is one of the several species without pubescent ornament and it can be distinquished by the different colour and the form of elytral apex from others. whitish pubscent hairs, on basal half of elytra with some other irregular and fragmental spots or bands of pubscences of the same colour.Lenth: 9mm. width. 3.5-4mm.Holotype: ♀, Helongtan, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 1986-V-18 by Peng Zhong liang. Coraebus yanshangensis sp. nov. (fig. 4 )An elongate and subcylindrical species, body entirely dark blue with somewhat green lustre. Head very short with sparse but coarse punctures. Pronotum tranverse, with dense and irregular punctures but without conspicuos ornament of pubescence, prehumera carina absent. Scutellum tranverse, but sharply pointed apically Elytra elongate, elatral apex separately rounded and finely denticuated, surface ornament of pubescence as follow: at posterior half of elytra with two tranverse bands of white hairs, first one at posterior 3/4 of elytra, slightly sinuate, the second near apex more straight, in addition, at middle of elytra towards outer margin with a very short pubescent band, at humeral depression and along sutural margin with some sparse pubescent hairs. Lenth: 10mm. Width: 3.5mm. Holotype: ♀,Yanshan,sichuan Province,1979-V-28,by Ma Wang quan. This new species is allied to C. annamensis of Indochina, distinguished by the presence of a pubescent spot in the middle of elytra and without prehumeralcarina, while C. annamensis with prehumeral carina but without pubescent spot in the middle of elytra Coraeous denticollis Saunders, 1886, (New record to Chinese,fauna) Specimen examined. 2♀,Jingdong, Yunnan Province, 1956-V-23 by Jiang Shan Coraebus mianningensis sp, nov. (fig, 2 ) Body broad, head and pronotum aeneous, basal half of elytra aIso aeneous with somewhat sparse white pubescent hairs along sutural and latral margins,posterior half of elytra black or dark blue with four tranverse bands of pubescent hairs, the first one at posterior 3/5 of elytra, rather sinuate, the second one just behind the first, more straight, but very wide towards sutural margins, the other two near apex, more arcuate, the apex is separat ately rounded and finely denticuate, surface with dense and irregular punctures. Pronotum without any conspicuous pubescent hairs but with prehumeral carina, which extending from base to middle of pronotum. Scutellum tranverse but sharply pointed apically. Lenth: 12mm. width: 4mm.Holotype: ♀, Mianning, Sichuan Province, 1980-Ⅵ-3. by Fang Hou quan.This new species is distinguished from any other species of the genus by the ornament of white pubscent hairs on elytra. Coraebus obscurus sp. nov. (fig. 3) An elongate and subflattened species, body entirely dark black with somewhate violet tint on head,pronotum and margins of elytra. Head very short, with dense punctures, pronotum tranverse, disk strongly convex anterior medially, suface densely but unevenly covered with yellow-whitish pubescent hairs, but without prehumeral carina. Elytra elongate, about 2.5 times as long as wide at base, elytral apex subtrancated, with two short and obtuse lateral spines respectively, surface with two parallel bands of yellow-whitish pubescent hairs near apex, and just behind middle with a very narrow incured thread-like band of yellowDistribution: China(Yunnan), Indochina. Coraebus grafi Obenberger, 1934, (New record to Chinese fauna) Specimen examined: 1♀, Beipei, Sichuan Province, 1985-Ⅷ-17 by Pang Zhong liang Distribution: China(Sichuan), Indochina. Coraebus salvazai Bourgoin, 1922, (New record to Chinese fauna) Specimens examined: 1♀, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, 1980-Ⅵ-18 by Peng Zhong liang. Distributions China (Guizhou) , Indochina. Coraebus violaceipenis Saunders, 1866, (New record to Chinese fa Specimens examined.. 1♀, Huaxi, Guizhou Province, 1980-Ⅵ-18 by Chi Fu xin.Distributions China (Guizhou) , Indochina.
作者 彭忠亮
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期35-40,共6页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
关键词 鞘翅目 吉丁虫科 纹吉丁属 Coleoptera Buprestidae Coraebus
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  • 1彭忠亮,江西农业大学学报,1989年,11卷,3期,11页
  • 2彭忠亮,西南农业大学学报,1987年,9卷,2期,125页
  • 3彭忠亮,西南农业大学学报,1987年,9卷,4期,349页











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