
软件过程技术及环境研究 被引量:3

Research on Software Process Technology and Environment
摘要 软件过程已成为软件质量控制的有效方法 ,但在以往的工作中 ,由于理论和技术上的困难 ,未能充分发挥度量在软件过程质量控制中的作用 .本文介绍了自主开发的基于UML的软件过程工程环境Softev .为软件开发者提供了定义、运行和监控过程的平台 .同时 ,提出了在软件开发中进行度量的一组指标 ,并在Softev中予以实现 ,以客观的度量数据 ,更科学地评价软件产品 (包括中间产品 )和实施过程 ,指导软件开发的全过程 . Software development processes, as a means to ensure software quality and productivity, are widely accepted within the software development community. This research introduces how to assist developers to establish quality management plan and monitor the implementation of software processes quantitatively in a CASE environment. A PSEE (process-centered software engineering environment) named Softev is brought forward to provide developers the environment to define, execute and monitor their processes. As UML is becoming a standard diagrammatic notation for object-oriented modeling and is spreading rapidly, it is chosen to express the artifacts developed during the requirement analysis and system design stages. In the early products of software process engineering, there was not enough attention to be given to the metrics of software processes and artifacts. This research proposes a suite of metrics and gives the implementation in Softev. Managers are able to predict and supervise the software project more precisely.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第11期1575-1577,共3页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家机械工业发展基金 (No.96JA0 2 0 5)
关键词 软件过程 软件质量 软件工程 Computer simulation Mathematical models Metric system Object oriented programming Product development Project management Quality control Standards
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