本文介绍华山松枯死和侵染性病害的关系。经43批,3 353块病组织的分离培养,菌落出现率仅为10.2%~13.2%,将分离到的真菌进行人工接种和模拟自然接种均未获成功。检查林间落地针叶,病斑处不产生子实体,林间也捕捉不到病原真菌孢子。在病区喷施1:1:100波尔多液、缩节安、高脂膜等农药,针叶基部变黄出现率均在98%以上。实验结果表明:针叶基部变黄后期脱落不属于侵染性病害所致。
This paper detailed the relationship between tree diseases and death of Pinus armandi in the eastern part of Sichuan. Observations showed that the needle cast were induced by light yellow lesion in basal needle, but it did not appear in any fruiting body.In isolate culture, the rate of colony is only 10.2 %~13.2 %. Results of artificial inoculation test on needle show that pathogenic infection are negative. Sprayed with Bordeaux mixture etc, the yellow lesion also produced on the basal needle.According to the results of above 4 experiments, it might be considered that pathological change of needle basal yellow lesion does not belong to infectious disease.
Forest Research